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Call of Private SUB from Different module & Sheet.

Hi Team,

Hope you all are doing great ...

I have a cammand button to be Intiated i worksheet name "Cost" , which will show userform1 and abutton in userform to click.

I want a vba code to auto click the command in worksheet and let it populate the userform and also click on the button on user form.

plz respond quickly ...


Can you post a sample file

When should the Userform be displayed?
Hi Hui,

I have uploaded exact replica of the action( not code ) All i need is to call very basic sample , in this all i want is to call the Userform & auto enable the Click button on the userform in Macro 1 in module 2.


  • Sample.xlsm
    24.9 KB · Views: 1
I'm not really sure what your asking ?

But you can run the commandbutton1_Click event from anywhere using:

You don't have to open the userform