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Adding Data via vb Forms


New Member
I am creating a time tracking excel sheet. but as I don't have access to a DB I want to keep it in the excel sheet and hand it out to my team so they can track time for their activities.
so I created a form to allow the user to enter and keep time or to enter a new project and activity number.
but i do not know how to send that data to my data sheet
so on my form I have two buttons Enter Time and Add Project / Activity Number then I ext boxes for the Project name and Number
I want to take the Name and number and add them to my data sheet in excel and will be used in the enter time drop down listing.

From What I reckon from your post it is fairy easy to do , can you upload a sample workbook please.

Here is my file with my poor attempt at launching the Form on open


  • timetracker.xlsm
    34.6 KB · Views: 4

Find the attached.

On the file open the user form will pop-up, select the desired project name , the project ID will be generated automatically. Once you press the button Add the form will close.
Now go to the timer tab and start your timer, do your project stuff, once you are done with your project stop the timer and close the file. The project name , ID and time will be recorded in the database tab.

Hope this is what you were looking for. Let me know with questions if any.



  • timetracker.xlsm
    40.6 KB · Views: 1
First thank you so much for the support I was able to use the code you provided to move my project to the next level.

Thank you.
I can now enter a new project in to my DataSheet.
I have modified the time keeper script found on this site to post a time.

Now I need to select a project from a list box put it in a temp location. post the time stamp next to it break it down to date and take the time and round it to the nearest 15 min mark.

then use the broken pieces of the time stamp to find the day column and time row and insert the project name at the "stop" button. this is on the wk27 worksheet
I would like you to know I am making stride forward it seems the simple things are messing me up and I would like to thank you for taking your time to help me.



  • timetracker.xlsm
    47.1 KB · Views: 2
Well, I got pass the Listbox data being sent to excel. Thank the Excel Gods and a bit of luck.
so i am breaking down the time stamp into the date and time and then rounding the time to the nearest 15 min block using the 7/8.
Anyway Progress made!
next step is to use the date to pick it from my Week sheet. Monday. Tuesday Wednesday... and then used the round number to find the time slot and then enter the Project name in that cell.

Of Course I would greatly welcome any help that can be offered.
Thank you for your time.


  • timetracker.xlsm
    53.8 KB · Views: 7