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Sum an average when error message #VALUE!

Hello all,

There are 2 rows with formulas. For example Row 6 and 7 from columns E to P and Total in Q.
In Q6 should show an average of all in row 6.
Formulas in E6 : P6 and E7 : P7 are from January to December pulled from another sheets (Data files).
From N6 to P6 and N7 to P7 there are no data yet (October- December- no data yet).
In N6 there is a formula: .=IFERROR(COUNTIFS(M_10!$A:$A,$N$5,M_10!$H:$H,">="&N5,M_10!$H:$H,"<="&N4)/N7,"").
In N7 there is a formula: .=IFERROR(SUMPRODUCT(--(M_10!$B$2:$B$50000=$B$2),--(MONTH(M_10!$A$2:$A$50000)=MONTH(N$5)),--(M_10!$M$2:$M$50000=1),M_10!$N$2:$N$50000),"").

All formulas work OK, except of formula in Q6 in which I want want just to SUM average from E6 to P6 (January: December),
I tried different options but all of them show an error: #value! OR just empty cell.
I tried these:

In order to SUM an average in Q6 I need to devide total of E6*E7...P6*P7/ Q7.

Thank you i advance.
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Can you upload sample?

Also, to sum range & multiply it's easier to use SUMPRODUCT.

For this portion:

It can be.
SUMPRODUCT(E6 : P6,E7 : P7) In Q6 gives almost correct number.
But now another problem in Row E12 : P12.
I have this formula in Cell E12=IFERROR(COUNT(M_1!$L:$L)-E7*E6-E9*E8-E11*E10,"")/E13. It works while I have data, but when there is no data for example in Cell L12 =IFERROR(COUNT(M_8!$L:$L)-L7*L6-L9*L8-L11*L10,"")/L13 the formula gives an error #VALUE!.

I could not upload a file.
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Some question.

Which cell has no data in your second example? Is any of the cells evaluating to error?

Also, try evaluating formula to see where the error is occurring.
There is no data now from August to December (columns L : P). The error starts when I am putting a division by /L13.
Ah, then try replacing "" with 0.

Make sure there's value in L13 or you will get #DIV/0!

If you just want the blank returned instead of error...
I put like this : .=IFERROR(IFERROR(COUNT(M_8!$L:$L)-L7*L6-L9*L8-L11*L10,"")/L13,"") and it is working now. Needed 2 IFERROR-:))
Thank you for your help, Chihiro!!!