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Colour a row


Like conditional formatting I want to highlight (change the Background colour) or a whole row based on the entry in one cell

So in my date in column D I input "Live", "Complete", "Hold"

If its a Live site hightlight the whole row a Red colour
If on Hold then a yellow
and completed Green

I can do this in the column with conditional formatting but I am struggling with the whole row can anyone help It would be much appreciated.
Select the Rows (I'll assume rows 2 to 20)
Apply a CF using a Formula

select a Format

Repeat for the other conditions
Bear in mind that if you select ALL the cells in a row Excel will reserve memory for all the CF in the full row plus any additional rows you have selected, it will also slow your work book down with so much memory being reserved for cells you are unlikely to use. Just select cells you need for data input before applying CF.