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automatically tick checkbox for yes/no field, images linked to text, progressive chart


New Member

I am trying to prepare an excel report to expedite the delivery of the shipment.
i have attached the excel. It was 2 sheets, 1st is the source data and second one is reporting.

The second sheet requires the following.

1) cell G8 to G14 would have text either "yes" or "no". the check box in cell H8 to H14 has to automatically tick when the text in G8 to G14 is "yes" respectively.

2) Secondly, based on the text entered in Cell G19, an image (picture of "flight" or "ship" or "trailer") should be displayed on cell G34. the text that would be entered in G19 shall be "Air", "Sea" or "Land". for eg: if the text is Air, then cell G34 should display the picture of flight. the other two picture shouldn't show up. Would that be possible?

please advise!



  • Dive - QP Project 2016.xlsx
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Hi Saima,

RE: 1st question

Your Cell G8 - G14 already have vlookup formula, on what basis you need "yes" or "no" ?

Your checkbox in H8 is linked with I8, so you can use a simple if statement in I8:

Hi Khalid,

That is really simple. I was thinking complicated.

Point 1 is clear now.

Anyhelp on point 2.

Hi Khalid,

That is really simple. I was thinking complicated.

Point 1 is clear now.

Anyhelp on point 2.



Post # 6 is much simpler than mine.

Plz do not create duplicate thread:
You have started a new thread [here] for your question 2, you should wait someone for the response.

I am sorry. I had amendment to my requirement. that is why I created a new thread. can I update the amendment over here?