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Can I Index with more than one parameter?


New Member
Little help is needed... I would like to index an array and generate a report and return the values between two dates. Can I index with more than one parameter like below... I am trying with If(AND(...)) but getting an error. $C$3 and $E$3 contain date range for which I want to generate a report.


Is there any other way or use any other formula. Any help is appreciated.
The AND function will force a single output, which isn't what we want. I believe you need:

Remember to confirm this as an array, and then copy down as far as would be needed. Any "extra" formulas will display blank.
Hi ,

Try this :


Enter this as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

Thanks Luke and Narayan for a lightning reply. I tried both. Luke - I am getting error with your suggestion, actually its drawing a blank. Narayan's worked like a magic. Though I would be keen on understanding both.
Luke - what does ^ mean? My data is actually offset to Row 13. When I changed ^ to -13 it worked but only for first value, rest of the array drew blanks.

Narayan - I tried a formula similar to yours, except for ...(Min(Row.....) where I was giving actual row offsets, but did not work.

Thanks again both of you guys. I have been struggling with this over a day now...
It's part of the error check, and is independent of where data is. The "^" symbol is math notation for "raised to the power of". Overall, the formula uses a structure of:

Which says to divide 1 by a number, and then take reciprocal. For any number other than zero, this will result in n. However, if there are no records found, or all records have already been found, then n = 0, and dividing by 0 will throw an error. the IFERROR then traps it, and outputs the "".
Sorry Narayan! I am stuck again. I am only able to get first column values. I tried putting in column numbers, but it is generating errors. My table actually has 6 columns. For instance the below formula generated #Ref error not ablet o figure out... Sorry I am not able to upload due to huge file size

Hi ,

For the INDEX function to accept a third parameter , as the column index , the range has to be a multi-column range.

Try this :


where columnindex can vary from 1 to 10.
