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Hello Deepak.. If one of the cell is empty it shows like 100, 101, , 103, 104, 105, 106, , 108, 109 ...

What I want it to show as if some cells are empty to ignore that cells. In this example to show as 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109 ...
check this

Option Explicit

Public Function myJoin(a As Variant) As String
Dim sep As String: sep = "-"
    Dim y As Variant
    If TypeOf a Is Range Then
        For Each y In a.Cells
            If Len(y) > 0 Then myJoin = myJoin & y.Value & sep
        Next y
    ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
        For Each y In a
            If Len(y) > 0 Then myJoin = myJoin & y & sep
        Next y
        If Len(y) > 0 Then myJoin = myJoin & a & sep
    End If
    myJoin = Left(myJoin, Len(myJoin) - Len(sep))
End Function