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Countif and Countifs error

David Cerny

New Member
I am trying to count concurrent users, but both COUNTIF and COUNTIFS are not calculating properly at (what seems like) random rows.

My COUNTIFS formula (in Column C) of'
is not working in Row 7 only.

I also tried COUNTIF formula (in Column D)of;
which should count all Logins <= Row 7, but the result is only 2 (since Column A is sorted by time, Column D should increment by 1 each row)


For some reason, SUMPRODUCT works, but I need to convey this calculation to a web designer and the count functions are easier to understand.

I have uploaded the file for your help.

If anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.



  • Countifs error example (2017-02-20).xlsx
    11.2 KB · Views: 3

I have used the formula as attached, is this what you are looking for?

Note: formulas in yellow cells


  • Countifs error example (2017-02-20).xlsx
    11.4 KB · Views: 4
Thank you, your formula works great (I do not fully understand it, but I can live with that).
Do you know why the COUNTIF(S) formulas were not working? It was randomly determining that a login time was not = to itself. I do need to convey the calculation to a programmer and COUNTIF(S) are easier to explain (when they work).

Thank you again,

I think it is something to do with array , the mmult in my formula is basically an array. I guess you were getting an error because you were using an non-array formula.
