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data sorting - need help wiith layout (text to column doesnt work)


New Member
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone's doing well. I need help to sort out the data and I have a bunch of sheets in excel but there not into each row or column....and it is hard to create formula's because there not in each row or column.

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated !

thanks again


  • test data example.xlsx
    38.2 KB · Views: 5
Select A3:A37
Goto the data, text to Columns Tab
Select Fixed Width, next
Click under the 50 and drag the column separator to next to Var
Next, Finish
You're going to have big problems.. on close examination of the data you would have to use to text-to-columns with fixed widths as Hui suggests, but on several different ranges per sheet, each range with different width settings.
That alone would be some work to automate robustly but it gets worse; there appears to be missing data on the sheets.
As just one example, on sheet 02 02 15 TO 02 08 15 you have within cell A38 a string of numbers:
these should split to:
10284 1415 7644
notice the missing 7.

It looks as though the data is output from an application which is printing to a dot matrix or golf ball printer because the output only lines up (more or less) properly with a monospaced font.
Does this application have the ability to export in any other file format? Perhaps a .csv file/tab delimited or any other format? (Normally I'd look for delimiting characters separating fields on a row but presented format only has plain spaces.)