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Display an output based on multiple cell values

Trevor Banfill

New Member
I have the following work sheet. I have 4 input questions and when answered based on the inputs will result in a determined answer. Need help. I tried an if or statement but it never resulted in another answer.



  • Workbook1.xlsx
    30.7 KB · Views: 0

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You need to define a set of rules which define what answer each combination of inputs can be

I have made that up but the Temp can be values or ranges etc

Once you have supplied that we will develop a function for you

The values in row seven under the different scenarios would be the result of the values in each column selected.

Another question how could I have the answer placed in a colored box.



  • Workbook1.xlsx
    33.5 KB · Views: 0
It looks like the result is the characters following the final space in the Method
If that is the case then you can simply use

B7: =IFERROR(IF(LEN(B5)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B5," ",""))>1,RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-FIND(" ",B5,FIND(" ",B5)+1)),RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-FIND(" ",B5))),"TN")
copy across

Or you could setup a small lookup

How can i have the answer placed in a colored box?

Add a text box using Insert, Textbox or any Shape
Click the text textbox/shape then in the formula bar put a reference to the cell containing the answer
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The picture above only relates to the second question about the text box
I removed the other cells so that the picture was clearer.

The formula above should be pasted into cell B7 then copied across