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Dynamic VLOOKUP?

Here is the formula I am using:
=IF(A2="","",VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)

I have a VLOOKUP built that I am hoping I can adjust to potentially capture multiple possibilities within one cell. The formula above correctly converts column C(Full Name) to column D(Rider Name). The challenge is I have a handful of possibilities where two might be listed and shown like this:


Is it possible to convert more than one automatically and make the above example look something like this:

Family Income Protector, Taxpayer Rider

Here is part of the chart:
If a maximum of two codes could be in one cell, and the encoding is consistently 12 characters long, the following would find both and display both results in a single cell:

=IF(len(A2)=12,VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(left(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(right(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE))
If a maximum of two codes could be in one cell, and the encoding is consistently 12 characters long, the following would find both and display both results in a single cell:

=IF(len(A2)=12,VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(left(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(right(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE))

Is there a way to update the formula to leave the cell empty if the reference cell is blank? Currently the empty ones show #N/A.
I've tried to use the IFERROR but am not doing it correctly.

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(LEFT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE))
Try This

=IFERROR(IF(VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(LEFT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)),"")

The IFERROR wraps ALL of your original formula - it does not replace the original IF statement. The "" at the end merely inserts a blank when an error is encountered.
Thanks David,

I modified it a little but I got it to work:

=IFERROR(IF(LEN(A2)=12,VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(LEFT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)),"")
Thanks David,

I modified it a little but I got it to work:

=IFERROR(IF(LEN(A2)=12,VLOOKUP(A2,'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(LEFT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)&" and "&VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A2,12),'Rider Codes'!$C$2:$D$106,2,FALSE)),"")

Great stuff - don't be afraid to try different approaches - in Excel there are usually several ways of getting to the solution you seek!