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Excel 2010 - personal macro location


New Member
Dear experts :)

I have inherited some excel 2010 files from a colleague who has now left the company, which contain macros. Before he left he advised they are stored as "Personal macros".
I am not very good with macros, but the few I have written in the past were all saved within the same workbook.

I need the file to be accessible across various computers and users - which is proving very difficult with the personal macros - can this be changed to save to the workbook ?

many thanks
"Personal macros".
Do you not think he was meaning they where macros HE had made.

If you want the file to be shared across multi platforms you will need to enable VBA content on all machines...Big time security risk.
Sorry for confusion ..Yes the macros were made by my colleague and he then advised I needed to save them in my personal workbook ? Is that the correct terminology.
VBA is enabled on all machines anyway as other macros are used within the department, so hopefully security wont be an issue - or would it ?
Hi ,

Normally , when you have a workbook named Personal.xlsb , then every time Excel launches ( runs ) , Excel also opens the workbook named Personal.xlsb , so that the macros in it are available to other workbooks , without having to be present in those files.

Since you say that this workbook needs to be accessed by multiple users , it means that all those users will also have to have this particular file present on their computer , so that when they open this workbook , the macros it needs are already present within the Excel environment.

The way out is to transfer all the necessary macros to this workbook and then save it , so that anyone who opens it will find the macros within it.

See the following links for more information :



Thank you Narayan for your helpful advice
That is the way we are working at the moment, but I wanted to be able to store the macro within the workbook so that it can be run by anyone that opens and uses the workbook - this would elimate the need to copy the macro to their personal.xlsb