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Excel-Access Combination


I mostly working in excel but changes in existing records and add new records needs to be update/transferred in Access database on regular basis. Finding old records, changing their values and then find out which new entries needs to be transferred into Access database is time consuming. I thought to use VBA as a communicator. I successfully wrote a code which figure out existing records in database and change their values based on update in excel files but this code is not completed because I want new records to be transferred to database in a single operation. May I get help please :)
In Addition, database has validation rule that similar value cannot be written again in field [DmrMPN] database and excel files attached. To run attached macro fiel one needs to Active (Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library) because I have used early binding method. In addition, the destination address of access database file is in the top of the code needs to change according to your destination. thanks


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