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Extract number from text/special character


New Member

I have dirty data of various length but maximum=18 characters. There are alphabets,-’s number combinations.


I need the first 8 numbers from the text. I do not need numbers that appear second time after the alphabets. If there are not 8 (eg: 9009/lc1319038) I need to append 0’s in the front to make it 8 characters in length.

I used this formula

=--LEFT(LOOKUP(99^99,--(“0”& MID(A2,MIN(SEARCH({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} A2 &”0123456789”)),ROW(1:10000))),8)

However it does not work for the BB-10-24-900 type text format. Please help !
Hi ,

Just to add to Shrivallabha's formula , so that it can be copied downwards :


entered as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

The $65:$90 refers to upper-case A through upper-case Z.

The 1000 refers to the upper limit on the number of characters in the cell ; out of the 1000 , 992 can be alpha , and 8 can be digits.

The 8 refers to the number of digits that will be extracted ; if the number of digits in the string is more than 8 , the excess digits will be lost. Lesser number of digits will be left padded with zeros.

Thank you Narayan. I was sure that I had forgotten something but was half asleep.

I used 19 as OP has informed that he will be having maximum of 18 characters.
Hi guys,

I just realized I have even full text and blanks and NA entries like eg:

Number not present

I need the formula to retain these kinda full texts/blanks instead of converting them to 8 digit zeros.

Sorry I'm still a beginner in excel.

Hi ,

Are you likely to have 8 digit zeroes which you will want to be shown in the output ? If not , you can just have an IF statement , where if the output is 8 zeros , the input is shown as the output.
