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find secondhighest value from a selection


why not happening?
please find below the macro code

Sub macro()

Dim highestval As Double
Dim sechighestval As Double
Dim rng As Range
Dim rang As Range

Set rng = Selection
highestval = 0
sechighestval = 0
For Each rang In rng
Next rang
Set rang = Nothing
If rang.Value > highestval Then highestval = rang.Value
For Each rang In rng
Next rang
If rang.Value > sechighestval And cell.Value < highestval Then sechighestval = cell.Value
MsgBox "second highest value is " & sechighestval
End Sub
Is this...

Sub macro()
Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Selection

MsgBox Application.Large(rng, 2)

End Sub