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Finding only the word OR


Attached is a sample spreadsheet with an example of what I am trying to achieve.

I am trying to identify the conjuction "or" in the string. I only want the conjuction "Or", not any sub-string of "or". For example, (asdf Orasdf sadf) would be a positive match; however, i do not want that to be included. I only want something such as (asdf asdf or) to be included because the "or" is a conjunction.

Thanks for the help!

Find the attached formulas in yellow colored columns.



  • Finding the word OR.xlsx
    12.5 KB · Views: 2
For address line 1, it counted (asdf Orasdf sadf) which is the same issue that I had. I am not sure how to get around that.


  • Finding the word OR_v2.xlsx
    12.6 KB · Views: 2
Hi Nebu,

The Address Line 2 still includes words such as (OrName2); however, I have developed a solution
=IFERROR(IF(SEARCH("or ",AA3) = 1,"True",""),"")

Thanks for the help for Address Line 1!

I didnt know exact was a function in excel.
@john Jario

Thanks you for your suggestion.


I gave the formula as per the note you had given in your file saying that for Add line 1 the "Or" will be the always first 2 letters and for Add line 2 the letter "Or" will be always last 2.
