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How to Loop macro field until you receive a number ?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am learning macros through Chandoo's 5-part series. In his part-2 series (http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/30/variables-conditions-loops-in-vba/), in the example provided, I tried to make some changes and learn.

1. When it ask for input for the "Sales for the Stoe", it accepts any thing even a string.
2. Tried to modify the code to accept only numbers.
Sub captureSales()
    'when you run this macro, it will take the sales of all the 24 stores we own
    'it will ask for a reason if the sales are too low or too high
    Dim storeSales As Long
    Dim storeNum As Integer
    Dim reason As String
    Dim store As Range
    storeNum = 1
    For Each store In Range("C7:C30")
        store.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store " & storeNum)
            If Not IsNumeric(store.Value) Then
            MsgBox "Only numbers are allowed!"
            store.Value = vbNullString
            End If
        If store.Value < 500 Or store.Value > 5000 Then
            reason = InputBox("Why are the sales deviated?", "Reason for Deviation", "Reason for Deviation")
            store.Offset(, 1).Value = reason
        End If
        storeNum = storeNum + 1
    Next store
End Sub
3. It works ok and moves to next field if I input any 'Text' but I want the task to repeat until it accepts the number for that pertcular store. How I can I do that.

Thanks in advance..

Here is the original file...
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Did You mean something like this?
Add those two lines ( 'Do' and 'Loop ...' to You code ...
  store.Value = InputBox("Sales for Store " & storeNum)
  If Not IsNumeric(store.Value) Then
    MsgBox "Only numbers are allowed!" store.Value = vbNullString
  End If
Loop Until IsNumeric(store.value)

It didn't work.

Suppose if I enter some test "xyz" for store number -5, it should repeatedly ask until it gets the number. But with the code above, it wont take the text but i bypasses to the next store-number.
Sorry .. ( 'and store.Value <> Empty' missed from code )
Loop Until IsNumeric(store.Value) And store.Value <> Empty
Sorry..Neither this works and going to 'Non-responsive mode'.
Can you try once at your side..
What do You mean with 'Non-responsive mode'?
If You write number, it will ask next question and after that continues asking next number.
If You write non-number, it will give a Message and asks again number as long time as You have written number.
The 'Cancel-button' don't work now! You have to give 24 numbers.
You wanted that this accepts only numbers!
If You want to use the Cancel-button ... it's possible to do too.
Hi !

vhar, according to forum rules, use code tags ‼

Try this (Cancel button or empty answer end procedure) :​
Sub captureSales()
    Const LF2 = vbLf & vbLf
    Dim store As Range, storeNum As String, OK As Boolean

    For Each store In Range("C7:C30")
        storeNum = "  Sales for Store #" & store.Offset(, -1).Value2

             V = InputBox(LF2 & [C6].Text & " :", storeNum)
            OK = IsNumeric(V)

            If OK Then
                store.Value2 = V

                If V < 500 Or V > 5000 Then
                    V = InputBox(LF2 & [D6].Text & " :", storeNum)
                    If V = "" Then Exit Sub
                    store.Offset(, 1).Value2 = V
                End If

            ElseIf V = "" Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Loop Until OK
    Next store
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom right Like !​
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