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How to open GIF files from excel macro


Excel Ninja
I have a macro , this gives me names of all the files from the selected folder.

If the file is in excel then the macro also opens the selected file name.

I have a folder which contains numerous .GIF files.

How do I open these files from this macro.

At present I am not able to open the file properly, the file gets open in excel but is of no use.

Is it possible to open the GIF file from excel.

Please help me.
Hi Sachin ,

The command OPEN means a very specific action ; a .pdf file can be opened only by a program designed to open that type of file ; a .wav file can be opened only by a program designed to open that type of file , and so on. The program designed to OPEN .pdf files may or may not be able to OPEN .wav files.

What you can do with a .gif file in Excel is use the INSERT PICTURE facility to insert the .gif image into an Excel worksheet.

Hi, sachinbizboy!

Not exactly yet directly with your actual Excel macro but you could update it as the following example. Give a look at this file:


SirJB7 thanks lot for the help, sorry for late reply.

I am not allowed to open this link in the firm, I will try it at home.

Have a nice day.