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Huge 37 MB file that blew up from a 400KB one


New Member
Hello Chandoo community,

This post is out of desperation (which I assume a lot of posts here are for the same reason :).

I'm looking for some ideas on the following problem.
I have a 400KB workbook that has a few macros that create PTs, no conditional formatting and just a few formulas. My coworker worked on the output from the workbook, by drilling down into 2 Pivot Tables and then moving a column or tow, adding a formula and then filtered on results. The file turned into an over 50 MB size for some reason, that is impossible to work in.
I cleaned the workbook a little, removed everything except those two tables and the size is still over 37MB, which is not even possible to attach here as an example.

Does anyone have any ideas of why a file can go up in size like that or have seen something like this happen in the past?

Thank you in advance,

Couple of things.

1. Check used range for each sheet (CTRL + END). If it goes beyond where data is present, you should clear the range and save.

2. Check pivotcache of the workbook. There is chance pivot tables share same source, but has their own cache, bloating file size. See link below for how to check this and clean duplicates.
