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Ok I'm running a formula =if(J12>0,N14*(E14/I14),"") and it runs along a row so J becomes K and so on and so forth along row 12. However I have a few cells on row 12 that are empty and the formula is showing me a #Value! error. How do I write the formula to present a blank space and still follow the rules I've already established?
Hi, Zach!

Both will work with each proper syntax. The result will be the same for:
than for:

It's up to you how much do you want to write or if you're using older versions prior to 2007 where IFERROR entered the game.

Just as a tip, remember that if you enter in an empty cell "=XXX(" (unquoted) and press the "fx" button at the left of the edition bar text box, you'll be prompted with the function wizard which shows every argument, gives a brief description of the function and by the bottom left link lets you access the built-in or online help. It works for any function.
The same from the VBA editor, you can place the cursor (keyboard, so click, don't hover with mouse) on any VBA reserved word and press F1 to access the same type of help.


Are you using Excel ? What version?

Why I ask is that in my 2010 and 2013 versions your original formula =if(J12>0,N14*(E14/I14),"")
works fine with either a blank, a zero or a space in J12 in all cases it returns a value or a blank
In fact I can't get it to return an error unless in make I14 =0 and then I get a #DIV/0! error

You could also approach it slightly differently:
Hui I use 2010 and i actually took your formula to use on my spreadsheet. I'm not the only one using the sheet so the less "more advanced" statements I make in the file the better.

Thank you both