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Load jpg picture into word document, from selection defined in excel worksheet


New Member

I have some excel vba code where I'm trying to insert a picture into a Word Document. The picture needs to be selected from a folder, with the jpg named according to an ID number selected from the current row in an excel worksheet ("query"). Once the correct jpeg has been selected, it needs to be pasted into a word table cell. I think there's a few problems with the code I'm using, the first one being that I'm getting a "user defined type not defined" message for the Word.Application. Can anyone help?

Sub OpenWordCopyPic ()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim word_app As Word.Application
    Dim word_doc As Word.Document
    Dim word_tab As Word.Table
    Dim word_rng As Word.Range
    Dim ws As Worksheet, iExcelRow As Integer, iWordRow As Integer, currName As String, wordName As String, photoFile As String
    Dim foundIt As Boolean
    Set word_app = CreateObject("word.Application")
    Set word_doc = word_app.Documents.Open("S:\Projects\2015_Template_LPO.docx")
    word_app.Visible = True
    Set ws = Worksheets("Query")
    For iExcelRow = 2 To ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count                                    ' go through the list of names
        currName = ws.Cells(iExcelRow, 2)                                        ' save the name so can add to the Word document
        photoFile = "S:\2015\" & ws.Cells(iExcelRow, 1) & ".jpg"     ' determine the file name of the new photo
        If Dir(photoFile) = "" Then                                                      'if no matching file in first location, check another folder for a match
        photoFile = "S:\2014\" & ws.Cells(iExcelRow, 1) & ".jpg"
        End If
        If Dir(photoFile) = "" Then
            MsgBox "A new photo for " & currName & " cannot be found."
            foundIt = False
            Set word_tab = word_doc.Tables(1)                                        
            For iWordRow = 1 To word_tab.Rows.Count                                 

                    If Dir(photoFile) <> "" Then word_rng.InlineShapes.AddPicture photoFile, False, True         ' add the new photo
                    word_rng.InsertBefore wordName + vbCrLf                             ' put the name under the photo with a carriage return and line feed
                    foundIt = True
                    Exit For

                End If
            If Not foundIt Then
                MsgBox currName & " could not be found"
            End If

        End If
   MsgBox "Ok all finished", vbInformation

End Sub
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Hi Scottyg,
Thanks for your help; I don't have the MS Word object library in my References list - I've got the MS Office 15.0 Object library(which is selected), but the specific MS Word object library is not appearing in my list at all - there is an MS Word OLE file here ...C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\MSWORD.OLB not sure how to proceed though?
