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Match Criteria then not a Print Page

hi all

i want vba code for printing a page or not printing a page. Match with multiple criteria in column D in Sheet1, like (Vacant (GP: 6600), Vacant (GP: 5400), Vacant (GP: 4600), Vacant (GP: 4400), Vacant (GP: 4200), Vacant (GP: 2800), Vacant (GP: 2400), Vacant (GP: 1900), Vacant (GP: 1650), Vacant (GP: 1400)) if it match with cell value in column D, page should not be printed. otherwise page should be printed.

thank's in advance :)

Pls clarify the page, either it is sheet or have to match the string in each page of that sheet.
in sheet1 total 19 pages and match 19 strings in sheet 1 in column D

in sheet2 total 69 pages and match 69 strings in sheet 1 in column D

thank's :)

Check this..

Sub print_the_page()
' Sheet1 is the sheet name where need to check & print
' P1 is the first cell of the range where criteria availabe to check in col D

    dynamic_print_page_address "Sheet1", "P1"
    dynamic_print_page_address "Sheet2", "P1"
End Sub
Sub dynamic_print_page_address(ByVal myWS As String, crng As String)
Dim r As Long, c As Long, h As Long, v As Long, hpage As Long, vpage As Long
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long, rng As Range, strEval As String, crange As Range

With Sheets(myWS)
hpage = .HPageBreaks.Count: vpage = .VPageBreaks.Count
sc = 1: sr = 1

For v = 1 To vpage + 1
    For h = 1 To hpage + 1
        If v = vpage + 1 Then
            c = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
            c = .VPageBreaks(v).Location.Column - 1
        End If
            If v > 1 Then sc = .VPageBreaks(v - 1).Location.Column
        If h = hpage + 1 Then
            r = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
            r = .HPageBreaks(h).Location.Row - 1
        End If
            If h > 1 Then sr = .HPageBreaks(h - 1).Location.Row
    Set rng = .Range(.Cells(sr, sc), .Cells(r, c))
'  4 used for forth col of each page
    strEval = "=sum(COUNTIF(" & Range(crng).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 1).Address & "," & rng.Columns(4).Address & "))"

    If Evaluate(strEval) = 0 Then rng.PrintOut , , 1
  sc = 1: sr = 1
End With

End Sub
after 20 pages prints getting error on line 30

Sub print_the_page()
' Sheet1 is the sheet name where need to check & print
' P1 is the first cell of the range where criteria availabe to check in col D

dynamic_print_page_address "GO PAYSLIP", "P1,P2,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P16,P17,P18"
dynamic_print_page_address "NGO PAYSLIP", "P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P9,P10,P11,P19,P20,P22,P24,P25,P26,P27,P28,P29,P30,P38,P39,P40,P41,P42,P43,P46,P47,P49,P50,P53,P54,P55,P56,P58,P59,P60,P61,P62,P63,P64,P65,P66,P67,P68,P69"

End Sub
Sub dynamic_print_page_address(ByVal myWS As String, crng As String)
Dim r As Long, c As Long, h As Long, v As Long, hpage As Long, vpage As Long
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long, rng As Range, strEval As String, crange As Range

With Sheets(myWS)
hpage = .HPageBreaks.Count: vpage = .VPageBreaks.Count
sc = 1: sr = 1

For v = 1 To vpage + 1
For h = 1 To hpage + 1

If v = vpage + 1 Then
c = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
c = .VPageBreaks(v).Location.Column - 1
End If
If v > 1 Then sc = .VPageBreaks(v - 1).Location.Column

If h = hpage + 1 Then
r = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
r = .HPageBreaks(h).Location.Row - 1
End If
If h > 1 Then sr = .HPageBreaks(h - 1).Location.Row

Set rng = .Range(.Cells(sr, sc), .Cells(r, c))
' 4 used for forth col of each page
strEval = "=sum(COUNTIF(" & Range(crng).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 1).Address & "," & rng.Columns(4).Address & "))"

If Evaluate(strEval) = 0 Then rng.PrintOut , , 1

sc = 1: sr = 1
End With

End Sub
You have wrongly written the syntax.

It needs to written like as below.

Sub print_the_page()
    dynamic_print_page_address "GO PAYSLIP", "P1"
    dynamic_print_page_address "NGO PAYSLIP", "P2"  
End Sub

I have used Range(crng).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 1).Address so it will
auto make a range from P1.

You just need to write most upper cell of criteria range.
I have did some changes, Now use below...

Option Explicit

Sub print_the_page()
    dynamic_print_page_address "GO PAYSLIP", "P1:P16"
        dynamic_print_page_address "NGO PAYSLIP", "P2:P69"
End Sub
Sub dynamic_print_page_address(ByVal myWS As Worksheet, crng As String)
Dim r As Long, c As Long, h As Long, v As Long, hpage As Long, vpage As Long
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long, rng As Range, strEval As String, crange As Range

With Sheets(myWS)
hpage = .HPageBreaks.Count: vpage = .VPageBreaks.Count
sc = 1: sr = 1

For v = 1 To vpage + 1
    For h = 1 To hpage + 1
        If v = vpage + 1 Then
            c = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
            c = .VPageBreaks(v).Location.Column - 1
        End If
            If v > 1 Then sc = .VPageBreaks(v - 1).Location.Column
        If h = hpage + 1 Then
            r = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
            r = .HPageBreaks(h).Location.Row - 1
        End If
            If h > 1 Then sr = .HPageBreaks(h - 1).Location.Row
    Set rng = .Range(.Cells(sr, sc), .Cells(r, c))
'  4 used for forth col of each page
   strEval = "=sum(COUNTIF(" & .Range(crng).Address & "," & rng.Columns(4).Address & "))"
    If Evaluate(strEval) = 0 Then rng.PrintOut , , 1
  sc = 1: sr = 1
End With

End Sub
Compile error:

Type mismatch

Option Explicit

Sub print_the_page()
dynamic_print_page_address "GO PAYSLIP", "P1:p16"
dynamic_print_page_address "NGO PAYSLIP", "P2:p69"
End Sub
Sub dynamic_print_page_address(ByVal myWS As Worksheet, crng As String)
Dim r As Long, c As Long, h As Long, v As Long, hpage As Long, vpage As Long
Dim sr As Long, sc As Long, rng As Range, strEval As String, crange As Range

With Sheets(myWS)
hpage = .HPageBreaks.Count: vpage = .VPageBreaks.Count
sc = 1: sr = 1

For v = 1 To vpage + 1
    For h = 1 To hpage + 1
        If v = vpage + 1 Then
            c = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
            c = .VPageBreaks(v).Location.Column - 1
        End If
            If v > 1 Then sc = .VPageBreaks(v - 1).Location.Column
        If h = hpage + 1 Then
            r = .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
            r = .HPageBreaks(h).Location.Row - 1
        End If
            If h > 1 Then sr = .HPageBreaks(h - 1).Location.Row
    Set rng = .Range(.Cells(sr, sc), .Cells(r, c))
'  4 used for forth col of each page
  strEval = "=sum(COUNTIF(" & .Range(crng).Address & "," & rng.Columns(4).Address & "))"
    If Evaluate(strEval) = 0 Then rng.PrintOut , , 1
  sc = 1: sr = 1
End With

End Sub
Last edited by a moderator:
yes in another sheet name "VLD" i have same name with this sheet, but in VLD sheet i have name in column C and designation in column F

please find the same attachment here............


  • Print.xls
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