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Pivot Macro for Dynamic Range

Hi , Have macro code in place "summary.xlsb" that creates a report by fetching data from various files inside the folder and producing a report . User can click the summary button in the summary sheet to produce the results. The number of rows is not fixed in the summary and depends on the input files placed. There is a need to place pivot button adjacent /near Summary button ( should be able to move the buttons) .

Request your kind help in creating a pivot for each of the summary sheet in the folder .

month , country in row labels and sums of the systems like ( payment , collections , core banking etc ) in the column labels. Macro code is placed here

Private Sub Demo()
Const E = ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes"""
Dim oCn As Object, P$, F$, V, C%, R&, K$, VA
P = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
F = Dir(P & "?? *.xlsx")
If F = "" Then Beep: Exit Sub Else [E2].Value = " Wait …"
P = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & P
Set oCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
While F > ""
oCn.Open P & F & E
With oCn.Execute("SELECT month,currency,[gl account],revenue FROM [Sheet1$]")
V = .GetRows
End With
C = -(F Like "*EBBS*")
F = vbTab & Left(F, 2) & vbTab
For R = 0 To UBound(V, 2)
K = V(0, R) & F & V(1, R) & vbTab & V(2, R)
If .Exists(K) Then VA = .Item(K) Else ReDim VA(1)
VA(C) = VA(C) + V(3, R)
.Item(K) = VA
F = Dir
R = .Count
Set oCn = Nothing
[A2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Transpose(.Keys)
[A2].Resize(R).TextToColumns Tab:=True
[E2:F2].Resize(R).Value = Application.Index(.Items, 0)
End With
With [A2:F2].Resize(R).Columns
.Item("E:G").NumberFormat = Cells(7).NumberFormat
.Item(8).NumberFormat = Cells(8).NumberFormat
.Item(7).Formula = "=F2-E2"
.Item(8).Formula = "=IF(F2=0,""-"",E2/F2)"
.Item(9).Formula = "=IF(E2=F2,""R"",""Not r"")&""econcilled"""
.Item("G:I").Formula = .Item("G:I").Value
End With
End Sub


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