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Pivot Table Multiple Query

I am doing the following report.
In worksheet #1 i have my data and pivot table.
I would like to pivot the data in such a way that IN......
sheet#2 i have sales by products,
sheet#3 i have sales by buyers,
sheet#4 i have sales by region,
and so forth.
Do i have to copy/paste the data-range from worksheet #1 onto ws #2, ws #3, ws #4,
and then pivot the data as required. Or, can it be done 'directly' from the pivot table
in ws #1 so as to generate the desired output in ws #2, ws #3, ws #4.......
Thanks a million.
Just reselect your data (which is a table so that everything updates when new data is added) and then when the pivot dialog pops up choose the sheet you want.
