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Process data when found ">" character and keep parse

Do Duy

New Member
Hi all, actually I have problem when process data.
I have code process in C# but dont know how to using same function in VBA.
Just like it auto delete comment in data, when found ">" character it auto make a breakdown line and keep parse.

Please look at attached file for more details


  • process data.xlsx
    12.5 KB · Views: 5
Hi !

If you already have a C# process, just use it on the source text file
before to load it in a worksheet : it's more efficient than a VBA procedure !

Otherwise, explain the C# process logic …
If you know C# coding, you can use as well a XML library in VBA,
samples and tutorials all over the Web …​

when found ">" character it auto make a breakdown
Sub Demo()
    With Worksheets("Sample")
        SPQ = Split(Replace(.[B2].Value, ">", ">¤"), "¤")
         U& = UBound(SPQ)
        For R& = 2 To U
            If Left(SPQ(R), 1) <> "<" Then
                SPQ(R - 1) = SPQ(R - 1) & SPQ(R)
                         U = U - 1
                For N& = R To U:  SPQ(N) = SPQ(N + 1):  Next
            End If
        .[E2].Resize(U).Value = Application.Transpose(SPQ)
    End With
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom right Like !
Thank so much Marc L.

But can you make output data have tag like that
<Source PseudoCityCode>
<CompanyName />
If tag not close yet (</*>), the next tag will have 2 space before "<".
For Example :
<Source PseudoCityCode> this tag not close yet
<Request ID> this tag will have 2 space before <
and if tag close </*> then it remove 2 space before <. Just like when you paste code to notepad++.

Sorry if I make too much trouble to you

Last edited by a moderator:
Try this :​
Sub Demo1()
With Worksheets("Sample")
        SPQ = Split(Replace(.[B2].Value, ">", ">¤"), "¤")
         U& = UBound(SPQ)
    While R& < U
        If SPQ(R) Like "<*" Then
                     R = R + 1
            SPQ(R - 1) = SPQ(R - 1) & SPQ(R)
                     U = U - 1
            For N& = R To U:  SPQ(N) = SPQ(N + 1):  Next
        End If
    For R = 0 To U - 1
        If SPQ(R) Like "</*" Then
                S$ = Left$(S$, Len(S$) - 2)
            SPQ(R) = S & SPQ(R)
                ST = Split(SPQ(R), "<")
            SPQ(R) = S & SPQ(R)
            If Not (SPQ(R) Like "*/>" Or ST(UBound(ST)) Like "/*") Then S = S & "  "
        End If
        .[E2].Resize(U).Value = Application.Transpose(SPQ)
End With
End Sub
You should Like it !

Edit for optimization, I had no much time …
As I already wrote, a C# program in far much more efficient than VBA !
Why don't you use it ?‼
Who is the fool mixing csv and XML data in same chinese puzzle file ?‼

If source is a true csv text file, when you double click on it from
Windows Explorer, it is opened and well formated in Excel.
The same if you open it manually in Excel.
So just activate Macro recorder and operate manually :
you will generate your own code base !

Read also in VBA help Workbooks.OpenText method …
And tutorials about VBA and XML …
@Marc L
your code fit with what I needed, now I dont know how to make a loop to excute marco :(
I think the last problem here is how to make loop to process my flow
You already have in my code two kinds of loop as For … Next and
While … Wend ! See also in VBA help Do … Loop

To begin, generate a code at least for one and, after you post it here
between code tags and some crystal clear explanation of the need,
someone will try to help you …

Otherwise think about commercial services.
Hi Marc L

This is my code to execute my flow job.

Sub process()

    Windows("search_result 8IS6.csv").Activate
    Range("Q2").Select        'I need loop to execute for next cell Q3 untill end of data
    Application.Run "sample.xlsm!Sheet2.Demo1"
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-12
    Application.Run "sample.xlsm!Macro8"
    Range("E8").Select       'I need loop to put data into F8 and so on
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub

Sorry, but can you help me make a loop for next cell Q4, Q5... and put processed data into F8, G8...


  • sample.xlsm
    85.5 KB · Views: 2
  • search_result 8IS6.zip
    171 KB · Views: 2