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Research on Budgeting Software which Utilise MS Excel


New Member
Hi Everybody

Please kindly assist. I wish to find out from Chandoo forum members with relevant experience about the best budgeting software available on the market which utilizes MS excel as the core backbone of the budgeting software. This software should enable collection of departmental Capital expenditure, Operating cost, asset and liability budget projections. The software should enable easy collaboration during budgeting among various users i.e. staff, departmental HODs e.t.c. in a corporate environment.

The software should not be rigid as SAP or some of those other rigid ERP systems but should have a flexible user interface which leverages my existing MS excel skills.

NB:This should not be a budget reporting software but budget formulation/collaboration software.

Thanks all members in advance for their assistance
Thank you all for the responses. I will research using the links you sent & of explore the software.

Kind Regards