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Shows the values within the cells of a selected Slice items

OK, thanks, but how do it based VBA ?
I try it, but return only last value.
Sub Tryed()
Dim cache As Excel.SlicerCache
Set cache = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("MySlicevalue")
Dim sItem As Excel.SlicerItem
For Each sItem In cache.SlicerItems
    Range("J1").Value = sItem.Name
Next sItem
End Sub
Hi ,

See if this works.
Sub TryOnceMore()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim sItem As Excel.SlicerItem
    Dim cache As Excel.SlicerCache
    Set cache = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("MySlicevalue")

    i = 0
    For Each sItem In cache.SlicerItems
        Range("J1").Offset(i).Value = sItem.Name
        i = i + 1
    Next sItem
End Sub