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Transportation model, linear programming and Solver


New Member
I am working on a transportation model in which I have to choose the best location for a new factory that minimizes transportation costs with 3 warehouses. I currently have 2 factories, and I want to choose the location for a third factory between 3 alternatives.

I have been able to solve this problem by analyzing each of the 3 possible locations separately (therefore, creating linear programming models with the 2 old factories + a new one), and then comparing the minimum costs that I would incur in each of these three cases.

I've been trying to integrate these three steps into one, so that I would have to run Solver only one time and it would give me the best possible location among the 3 choices, but so far I've been unsuccessful. Would it be possible to achieve this in one step?

And more specifically, could I achieve it while still keeping it as a linear programming problem?

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Thank you for your answer, Faseeh. I've checked the template for Facility Layout, but I don't think that it solves my problem, or at least I don't know how to interprete it.

Attached is an example of my problem. Basically, I would like to combine my 3 separate analyses into one single step. I hope it makes things more clear.


  • ExampleLP.xlsx
    11.5 KB · Views: 10
Ok let me see it will revert in few moments.

Edit: You want to max. capacity and min cost?
Oh no sorry, "Max. Capacity" is a constraint, the values in column F need to be less than or equal to those in column G.

The objective is to minimize cost. The constraints are to fulfill demand from the warehouses and not exceed the capacity of the factories.
Thank you very much for the response, Faseeh. I'm not sure I understood what you did. Does your spreadsheet provide an answer for the best location of the third factory? I see that in it, you have only inputted the transportation costs if we decide to locate the factory in "New1", but I don't see the costs if it is located in "New2" or "New3".
unfortunatelly it does not.. plz explain how two tabls work go get the third place..... see u tomorow gud night
Hi, GregDP!
Maybe you want to share your solution with the community, so as people who read this would have the issue or question and the solution or answer as well.