Hazra Hadee
We have 2 vendors who provide us travel quote for each quarter for various countries.
They provide the economy rate if travel time is less than 6 hours and business for 6 hours and over. I need to create a dashboard or a summary sheet where it goes through the rates provided by both and provide the cheapest rate and the most expensive rate for each sector for both vendors, for both adult and child. So I was thinking of coming up with a search field by country and provide the require criteria. What is the best formula to use to achieve this. I know we could use, IF VLOOKUP SumIF or Match iNdex maybe? I wanted your feedback on this to help me start this and come up with the best solution. All feedback is welcome and thank you in advance
We have 2 vendors who provide us travel quote for each quarter for various countries.
They provide the economy rate if travel time is less than 6 hours and business for 6 hours and over. I need to create a dashboard or a summary sheet where it goes through the rates provided by both and provide the cheapest rate and the most expensive rate for each sector for both vendors, for both adult and child. So I was thinking of coming up with a search field by country and provide the require criteria. What is the best formula to use to achieve this. I know we could use, IF VLOOKUP SumIF or Match iNdex maybe? I wanted your feedback on this to help me start this and come up with the best solution. All feedback is welcome and thank you in advance